Bài đăng

Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 8, 2018

Implement OGC Catalog Service for the Web

Hình ảnh
I. Project summary This page summarizes that work done during the Google Summer of Code 2018. 1. Scope and requirement The goal of this project is to improve the Apache SIS services modules in order to meet some needs of space agencies. Particulary, this includes is to focus on implemening a OGC catalog service for the web that the basis is to use the Apache SIS storage modules comply with CSW standard and creating a simple web application to ensure that the module is on the right track, meets the requirements of the user. This work requires basic understanding of at least two international standards published by the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC): the OGC Catalog Service on the Web (CSW) 3.0 and the OGC Web Services Common Standard (OWS) 2.0. Before to start coding, the first part of this GSOC 2018 was read those standards and combined with exploring the appropriate web technologies to implement the CSW service. Example: Apache CXF , Restful API ... 2. Context The most...